www.dreamer.lt is the website for people who want or like to dream consciously, whether they already know how to do this or are still learning. It is intended for those who aspire to turn their present life into the life of their dreams, those who know exactly what they want and strive to achieve their goals, those who believe in the power of their thoughts and genuinely want to attract their dreams.
The main purpose of this site is to encourage people to believe in their potential and the reality of dream fulfillment, and to take active steps toward turning their present life into the life they have been dreaming about.
• To help people become more aware and listen to the voice of their heart.
• To educate people on various issues related to self-development and to promote personal growth.
• To encourage people to determine what their true desires and intentions are, to discover the purpose of their life and to take active steps toward making their dreams come true.
• To spread useful information that can help people pursue their dreams.
• To develop people‘s confidence in themselves and their dreams, to teach them not to be frightened when faced with obstacles that often seem insurmountable.
• To bring together like-minded people who can help each other grow and support each other as they strive to make their dreams come true.
• To explain how our dreams about happiness, success, health, self-fulfillment, financial freedom, career growth, self-expression or relationships can be turned into a reality. To help people overcome their personal flaws and shortcomings and learn to LOVE THEMSELVES.